A majority of Canadians want to preserve but fix the CBC: poll
A significant majority (78 per cent) of Canadians would like to see the CBC/Radio-Canada continue if it addresses its major criticisms, according to a poll from McGill University’s Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy. When asked what they would do with the CBC/Radio-Canada’s budget, 57 per cent of respondents would either increase (24 per cent) or maintain (33 per cent) funding.
Mexican government disbands its transparency watchdog, raising concerns over access to information
The National Transparency, Access to Information, and Personal Data Protection Institute (INAI) was dismantled as part of a suite of constitutional changes proposed by Mr. López Obrador prior to leaving office in September.
Press watchdogs call for European Union to act over Hungary’s media curbs
Hungary has stifled its independent media and imposed a level of control over journalists that is unprecedented in an EU country, according to a joint report from six international press watchdogs that calls on EU leaders to take action.